Building A Barndominium In Indiana, IN (2024 Guide)


Indiana, also known as the Hoosier State, is one of the midwestern states grouped around the Great Lakes. It has a diverse economy with exceptional farmland. It’s in the U.S. Corn and Grain Belts producing corn, dairy, eggs, melons, grapes, and tobacco.

Most of the existing farmland was originally deciduous woodland, and some forest areas still support furniture making in Southern Indiana. 

With all this rural economy going on in the State, it’s no wonder that barns and other agricultural buildings are commonplace, with barndominiums being an acceptable type of accommodation for Hoosiers.

Barndominiums, a.k.a. barndos or barn homes, have the simple and functional architecture of rural barns and houses. In fact, the term barndominium comes from a splicing of the words “barn” and “condominium.”

They have plenty of space with open-plan rooms and single-story 12- to 15-ft. high ceilings, primarily because the load-bearing walls coincide with their exterior perimeter walls, allowing partitions and mezzanine floors to divide the rooms and levels. 

What Are Barndominiums?

Barndominiums can be any one of the following building types:

  • A renovated, pre-existing agricultural building repurposed into a fully modernized home, with the exterior keeping the flavor of the original barn.
  • A newly built rural structure using single or multiple materials.
  • Prefabricated kits of wood, steel, or both. However, the most common kit material is steel. Generally, budget kits use steel or vinyl siding, while high-end kits often use wood.

Whether customers buy steel or wood barndos depends mainly on their preference, the construction methods of the county, and their budget. Usually, steel barndos are the most common as they’re simpler to build and need less labor and materials than a wooden variation.

Furthermore, steel is resistant to many problems and damage in some areas of the U.S. caused by wood-boring insects, mold, mildew, rodents, snow, rain, and wind.

Other benefits are that they’re quick to erect, value for money, and provide a stable and spacious home for many American families.

They also provide a form of architecture reminiscent of the early 20th century, with the Ma and Pa style of farming.

So, although you can build barndominiums from many types of material, the most common is steel, which we’ll concentrate on in this guide.

Key Benefits Of Barndominiums In Indiana

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Situated in the Midwest, around the Great Lakes, most of IN has a humid continental climate, gradually changing into a humid subtropical climate in the southern part of the State.

Therefore, the winter temperatures range from 30°F in the north to 41°F in the south. In comparison, summer temperatures range from 84°F in the north and 90°F in the south.

More significantly, a 2012 National Weather Service report ranked Indiana 8th of the top states prone to tornadoes. All these factors make using a steel barndo the best choice.

So read on, and we’ll discover why that’s so and discuss other benefits of barndo living in IN.

Almost Anyone Can Buy a Barndo in IN

One of the best things about buying a barndo is that almost anyone can do it, and that refers to building one or buying a pre-owned barndominium.

But, if you believe buying or building a barn home costs more than you can afford, think again.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture supports rural development within several underpopulated agricultural regions, and Indiana is one of them. The agency offers home loans for those on very low incomes to buy, renovate, or build a home in Indiana.

It will also help if you have problems raising a downpayment. All you do is agree to relocate to a specified area, and they will help you own a home. Perhaps this is something you never thought possible.

Quick Construction

Manufacturers make prefabricated kits in a factory setting, so each piece fits together perfectly without any problems.

All things being equal, you can usually assemble a steel barndo kit in about half the time of a conventionally built home.


Most Americans appreciate a good deal, and knowing that building a barndo in Indiana costs less than a conventional house provides the added boost to go ahead and do it. 

Barndos use fewer materials and less time and labor than a traditional house. Therefore, you end up paying much less for your home than usual.

However, don’t try to use your DIY skills, as most lenders (and the USDA) insist on using insured and licensed contractors during the build. Instead, keep your skills for decorating and garden landscaping.

Energy Efficient

Contrary to popular belief, a steel building isn’t always cold in the winter and hot in the summer. If you provide the proper insulation to suit your climate zone, you can choose the indoor temperature to suit yourself.

Typically, the best professionally installed insulation in the U.S. is spray foam, which insulates against extreme temperatures, reduces sound transmission,  and seals holes and gaps.

Research your climate zone and the insulation’s R-value necessary to cope with Indiana’s weather on the Energy Star website. By protecting the interior from the ravages of outside heat and cold, you save money by removing the stress on your HVAC system. 

For your information, we reproduce some of the EnergyStar information below:

Map of USA Climate Zones (
Add Insulation to Attic
Uninsulated AtticExisting 3 to 4 Inches of Insulation
1R30 to R49R25 to R30R13
2R30 to R60R25 to R38R13 to R19
3R30 to R60R25 to R38R19 to R25
4R38 to R60R38R25 to R30
5 to 8R49 to R60R38 to R49R25 to R30

Table of Required R-Values. More information on wall insulation levels can be found on Energy Star’s page.


Metal barndos are more durable than conventional houses because of their structural steel framing. Structures like this can withstand high winds, heavy snowfalls, tornadoes, and tropical storms, some of which we experience in Indiana.

How does it sound to have a personal tornado storm shelter as a home? With a steel barndo, you can have one.

Furthermore, as IN is near two major seismic activity zones, and earthquakes happen regularly, it makes sense to have a home that can withstand that type of activity, which barndos can do if designed correctly.

Probably one of the worst things about having a home with wooden sidings is the contraction and expansion that occurs when faced with alternate hot, humid, and cold weather.

See also  7 Most Common Barndominium Sizes to Consider

These cycles cause splits in the woodgrain, allowing pests of all kinds to enter your home, including insects and rodents.

In contrast, steel sidings don’t have this problem, are immune to fungi, mold, and mildew, and don’t have weather-related or accidental damage. 

Custom Built

When people buy a traditionally built home, they inherit the room layout from the original designers and, because of the existence of load-bearing walls, must put up with the rooms as they are.

Load-bearing walls and supporting pillars support the upstairs floors, ceilings, and roof. Therefore, you can only rearrange these by spending a lot of money and doing significant alterations to the design.

Fortunately, barndominiums have their structural supports within the perimeter walls, so all interior walls are only non-structural partitions.

Therefore, a carpenter can remove and rearrange the sections to suit your family’s lifestyle without compromising the barndo’s structural strength and integrity.

In an extreme case, removing all the interior walls and upstairs floors is straightforward if you want a hollow building for a particular reason. However, we don’t recommend this as you wouldn’t be able to live in it.

Instead, many customers remove the first-floor partitions and use the space as garaging for family vehicles, a workshop, or a small work-from-home business. Basically, your bank balance and the zoning regulations limit the inside of your barndo.


Within a typical home, hot and humid weather in the summer encourages fungal growth, such as mold and mildew, and insect pests, like termites. The fungi attach to and feed from the wood and masonry in a conventional build.

However, this doesn’t happen with a steel barndo, and pests, particularly termites that love living in IN, don’t find any food value in metal.

Furthermore, many conventional houses in winter have a rodent problem when they gnaw wood sidings to find shelter and warmth indoors.

Steel, however, is too hard for rats and mice to bite, so they find it difficult to come inside.

Low Maintenance

Steel has a structural strength many times higher than wood or masonry. So, a steel barndo will be relatively free from accidental, pest-related, and weather-induced damage.

Therefore, the structure will require less maintenance and be cheaper to maintain over its lifespan than a conventional home.

Is Constructing A Barndo In Indiana Possible?

Yes, it’s relatively easy to build a barndominium in Indiana State. But, plan your project carefully and comply with the local building codes and zoning regulations.

Remember, construction-related laws vary across the state and can change between counties and cities. Furthermore, you also have to comply with the local Homeowners Association regulations.

However, these are usually stricter in suburbs and less so in rural areas, where properties aren’t as close.

Building Codes

Local and state building codes regulate construction projects so the buildings are safe to live in. To ensure compliance, hire licensed local contractors who understand the IN building laws in your area.

Look at UpCodes; it’s a helpful resource for information on Hoosier State building codes. However, use your local government building permit office as the last word in your area, as they’ll know which local codes relate to your barndo.

Zoning Regulations

Before beginning to plan your barndo project, research the zoning regulations in your area and understand their pros and cons.

Some zoning rules restrict the building materials, while others regulate the type of building you can construct. For example, some towns don’t allow steel roofs. Furthermore, some rules also restrict the property’s dimensions and floor area. 

Is your building plot a residential zone? Some agricultural land initially contained barns, which are now renovated and repurposed.

If you’re not sure, ask the local zoning office what its category is. However, don’t worry if it’s not residential, as you can apply for a zoning variance to change the classification.


Some states make certain utilities compulsory and restrict off-grid living. However, Indiana is among the best States to live off-grid. So, find out which utilities you must have and which are optional.

Also, if you want to build your barndo in an entirely off-grid town, look at Metamora. But, if you intend to use the available utilities, check out the nearby connections.

For example, it may overstretch your budget if the nearest electricity or drainage lines are several miles away. In this case, installing a septic tank system and solar generators is more sensible and much cheaper if allowed. 

Get the Best Location

When choosing the place you intend to live in the Hoosier State, check out what’s available in the neighborhood, such as:

  • Recreational facilities for spectators and participants.
  • Hospitals, dental, and medical facilities.
  • Accessibility. Some areas of Indiana may have several inches of snow and rain. Therefore, ensure the access road won’t wash away and is easy to keep clear.
  • Schools are essential if you have children. 
  • Scenery: You intend to build your lifetime dream home, so ensure you overlook some stunning, tranquil scenery.
  • Zoning regulations: Check that no restrictive zoning and building laws exist.

Cost Analysis Of An Indiana Barndominium Build

There’s nothing better than building your barndominium in Indiana. But, to make your dream come true, you must know how much the project costs.

For this, estimate how many bedrooms, bathrooms, and living rooms you need and whether the first floor is open plan garaging or hobby room or incorporated into the living space.

After considering all the specifications, calculate the floor area of your new home, bearing in mind that awkwardly shaped rooms cause construction issues.

For example, a 2,000 sq. ft. rectangular floor costs less to build than an area of the same size but with many internal and external corners. It’s something like comparing a rectangle to an “L” shape.

In Indiana, a conventionally built home costs about $270/sq. ft. In comparison, a barndo costs an average of $200/sq. ft. Therefore, we can calculate approximately how much each type costs using these rates.

Assuming a floor footprint of 2,400 sq. ft. the total prices approximate to:

  • Conventional house – $648,000
  • Barndominium$480,000

The difference between these two house prices shows how much cheaper, on average, a barndo is. Just imagine the extras you can buy with the money you’ve saved.

For example, you could install high-end kitchen or bathroom fittings, lay a deck, or landscape the gardens.

Alternatively, you could save that money by reducing your overall home loan. The choice is yours.

Prefab Barndominium Kits

Prefabricated barndominium kits in Indiana cost much the same as in other nearby states, mainly due to the kit manufacturers selling nationally.

Typically, you can expect to pay $18-$30/sq. ft. depending on the design and its complexity. For this amount, you receive steel framing, siding, roof, and trim. However, if you’re buying a wood barndominium kit, you’ll also receive doors and windows.

Unfortunately, the price of the kit isn’t all you pay. Additionally, you must pay a contractor to erect the components, which may cost $35,000 to $75,000 for labor. Plus, you must add the groundwork, foundations, and interior finishing prices.

Generally, a barndo kit works out much more affordable. However, you are limited to the floor plans the manufacturer has available. 

Groundworks & Footings

Preparing the site and excavating for foundations and footings are two essential parts of building any house. Typically, this involves removing surface vegetation and underground tree roots, soil grading, and trench excavation.

See also  Top 10 Best Barndominium Builders In Alabama (2024)

As a general guide, land clearance and soil grading cost up to $7,500. At the same time, a slab foundation costs up to $18,000.

Additional Items

In addition to the prices already mentioned, expect to pay for installing utilities that make a barndo shell into a habitable residence.

Typically, these could include:

  • Roofing & siding: Generally, these are part of the kit and are priced in with the total manufacturer’s costs. However, you only buy barndo frames sometimes, so siding and roofing cost extra. Generally, roofs cost at least $13,000, and siding costs a minimum of $25,000, depending on the barndo’s size and design.
  • Electrical: Up to $4,500
  • Drainage: Up to $10,000
  • Insulation: Up to $5,000. Local building codes specify how much insulation a house in Indiana needs and its R-value.
  • Plumbing: Up to $4,000
  • HVAC: Up to $15,000

These additional costs are approximate and will vary depending on the contractor’s hourly rate, barndo size, and quality of materials.

Indiana’s Zoning & Barndo Legalities

Navigating Indiana’s zoning and barndo legalities can be problematic if you don’t know what you’re doing.

The solution is to research the law and understand how you and your project should interact with the community and the local government’s plan for the area.

Building Codes

The purpose of building codes is to ensure your property is safe to live in.

In the U.S., every state uses building codes based on guidelines provided by the International Code Council. Most regulations are set by the state, in our case, Indiana, while others vary locally.

The rules comply with the 2021 International Building Code (ICC IBC-2021), allowing building codes to extend, adapt, or limit depending on local environmental conditions and legal framework.

Generally, the IBC codes focus on safe exit from the building, its structural stability, provision of natural light and ventilation, sanitation, waste disposal, energy efficiency, and potential problems caused by electricity, gas, fire, explosion, and other hazards. 

UpCode is a helpful online resource listing the various building codes for IN. But, the permit office has the final say, so always check with your local government website or ask for their printed booklets.

Zoning Regulations

Every local government office has a long-term plan for growth and maintenance within their jurisdiction. The zoning regulations implement these by ensuring current and future properties complement the existing zones.

For example, they won’t allow a lumber yard to operate in a quiet residential district. Still, they may allow a small gardening business based from home.

Generally, zoning regulations specify what and where you can build and regulate the property’s structure, purpose, and size.

If you doubt your building plot’s classification, ask your town’s zoning office for guidance.

Using Land Throughout IN

How you use your land is an essential part of zoning laws. Every land parcel in the State has a category stating its purpose.

Typically, zoning categories include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Agricultural
  • Commercial
  • Recreational
  • Residential
  • Retail
  • Light Industrial
  • Heavy Industrial

These categories also subdivide into finer classifications to maintain neighborhood consistency.

For example, a residential zone may include single-story, double-story, multi-family, and single-family.

Zoning Assessment

Before buying a plot, ensure it has been assessed and has the correct category.

If you buy a pre-owned barndo, you probably won’t have any issues with this because it’s already a residential plot. However, if the plot hasn’t had a residence on it previously, then it may require attention.

Generally, zoning laws restrict each property using the following criteria:

  • The structure’s position relative to other properties
  • Your property type and purpose
  • Your property’s floor dimensions
  • The property’s height from grade to ridge and eaves
  • Plot’s purpose
  • Plot’s dimensions and area

Once again, contact the local zoning office if you have any issues with this and need advice.

Zoning Issues & Variances

Arranging every property into a classification benefits the county by ensuring your land use complements other users. However, sometimes, this arrangement can be too restrictive.

If so, the zoning boards use a “zoning variance.” This allows residents to legally non-comply with the current zone.

For example, people often build barndominiums on the site of pre-existing agricultural buildings. These sites usually have agricultural or light industrial categories, not residential. So, if the owner intends to build and live in their barndo, they commit an offense.

A zoning variance allows a change of category. If you believe your plot has an incorrect zoning category, contact a lawyer to submit a zoning variance application.

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Building A Barndominium In Indiana (6 Steps)

Producing a timeline and project plan is the first step in building a barndominium in Indiana. Using these ensures the project stays on track and within budget and provides the right on-site contractors when needed.

We recommend using contractors who are insured and licensed to work in Indiana. Using a local general contractor ensures all contractors are kept in line and your money is well spent. They can also speak to the local government inspectors and answer their questions.

But, as the boss, you must know what’s going on at each step. Let’s look at the overview.

1. Find the Right Plot

Finding the right plot for your barndo is a specialized job. Therefore, use a realtor who knows what’s for sale in the area. Let them know your budget, the plot’s size, and what you want it for.

Then, find out if any plans are lodged with the local zoning office that may interfere with your barndo. If there are, look elsewhere, as you may not have any control over what happens within your view.

For example, buying a plot with beautiful scenery wouldn’t be a good idea if you discovered that a corporation intends to build a lumber yard and strip the trees.

Next, check that your barndo’s proposed design blends well with the landscape. After all, you don’t want to interfere with another person’s view.

But, as a large part of the Hoosier State is rural, your barndo’s architecture should complement the scenery perfectly. However, don’t choose your building plot on scenery alone, although that is important.

There are other more practical considerations to look at, too, such as:

  • Are the zoning laws restrictive?
  • Does the plot have an access road open all year round?
  • Considering your plans for the plot, is it large enough? 
  • Where are the nearest utility connections? This point isn’t always essential, as Indiana has easy-going laws regarding living off-grid. The government allows you to do many things if you comply with the building code and other applicable laws.

2. Find a Licensed Contractor

Most lenders and some zoning boards insist that the people building your barndo are insured contractors licensed to work in Indiana. So, choose one from those who have worked on barndos before.

Many contractors keep a list of previous customers you can approach for references.

Alternatively, ask your home loan lender if they have a list of approved contractors you can choose from.

3. Building Permits

Remember to follow the building codes where applicable and purchase the required permits. This ensures you have a safe and legal barndominium home.

Non-compliance can lead to severe fines and other penalties.

See also  Can A Barndominium Have Crawl Space?

4. Soil Grading & Undergrowth Clearing

Clear the barndo’s footprint of all vegetation, including tree roots. Then, grade the soil to provide a gentle slope.

Finally, excavate the foundation trenches ready for the concrete pour. Usually, many contractors connect the utilities at this stage because they have earth-moving equipment available.

5. Foundations & Footings

You’ve already had the foundations designed by a structural engineer considering the barndos size and weight, the soil conditions and water table, and other environmental factors such as weather and seismic activity.

Then, the building code office will scrutinize the design and decide its suitability. 

There are several foundation designs you can theoretically choose from. But, you’ll probably find that the building codes only allow you to use one or two.

Don’t worry; the structural engineer has already taken this into account. Generally, the foundation types to choose from include:

  • Slab-on-grade
  • Piled
  • Pile-and-beam
  • Basement

Excavate the soil to produce the approved trench depth and width. Install the steel reinforcing bar and pour the concrete.

Then, leave the concrete to cure to the required strength.

6. Barndominium Assembly

A professional who has previously worked on barndos won’t find any problems assembling a barndo kit. Generally, we advise you not to exercise your DIY skills on the structural part of the assembly, as your safety depends on the correct installation.

Furthermore, mortgage lenders and insurance companies insist on barndo assembly by the right professionals licensed to work in the state. Also, building permits often specify a contractor with specific trade licenses. 

Finally, if everything goes according to plan, you can probably move in within six to eight months.

Financing & Loan Options For Indiana Barndos

Finding financing and loan options for your Indiana barndo can be tricky as some lenders don’t know what a barndo is.

If you come up against this, don’t restrict yourself to using the term barndominium. Instead, use barn home, shouse, Shome, and post frame.

Banks and other lenders don’t like to risk their investments, so they won’t usually back a building concept they’re unsure of. However, many lenders local to IN will already know about barndos as an acceptable way of farm living.

Generally, if a bank offers financing for modular homes, you will be in luck. Barndos are modular and prefabricated, so you can borrow a home loan if you satisfy their other requirements.

Furthermore, remember that you can apply for a home loan from lenders with your loan guaranteed by the federal government. The USDA and V.A. want to help those eligible to own their home. So, don’t delay; check out their websites and find out what’s possible.

The following banks serve the people of IN and are two of those currently available. Follow this link for a more comprehensive list of national home loan lenders.

The Farmers Bank

The Farmers Bank helps many local farms with their finances and understands barndominiums, what they are, and the pros and cons of owning them.

There are twelve branches throughout IN, so at least one will be near you.

Address: 9 East Clinton Street, P.O. Box 129. Frankfort, IN 46041-0129
Phone: 765-654-8731

Farmers & Merchants Bank

Farmers and Merchants Bank works hard to help you get the finance you need to pay for your projects.

The team knows what barndominiums are and will do everything in their power to help you finance your project.

Address: 302 S. Old U.S. Highway 41, P.O. Box 519. Boswell, IN 47921
Phone: 765-869-5513

Premier Builders Specializing In Indiana Barndominiums

Barndominiums are currently the best alternative to conventional homes in the U.S.

Their rural designs, 12-15 ft. high ceilings, and open-plan living spaces allow owners to customize as much as their budget allows. Furthermore, they can complete most barndos within 6-8 months, about half the time of conventional homes.

We’ve concentrated on steel barndos in this guide, but wood and mixed material barndos are available too. Whatever style of barndominium you want, there will be a builder serving Indiana with the experience to produce something to be proud of.

The following list shows a selection of barndominium builders and manufacturers currently serving Indiana.

  • Boss Hog Barndominiums offer turnkey, kit, and custom-design barndominiums. Alternatively, the team will remodel an existing barn into a luxury home. However, they have high prices, so if you’re looking for a budget solution, go elsewhere. Address: 1297 Silver Ridge Ln Brownsburg, IN 46112. Phone: N.A.
  • Country Wide Barns offer a delivery-only barndo kit or a fully customized turnkey build. Its barndo kits include wood or steel framing, and wood or metal sidings to suit your preferences and budget. Address: 1020 Industrial Dr #20, Pleasant View, TN 37146. Phone: 800-615-9720
  • D.C. Builders offers kits and fully customized barndominiums made from wood and metal. High-end barndos come in wood, while low-budget variations are in steel and vinyl. However, you need a local contractor for erection and finishing. Address: 1639 Dickerson Blvd A, Monroe, NC 28110. Phone: 704-225-9669
  • FBI Buildings build pole barns, post frame barndominium kits or fully customized, whichever you prefer. They can also deliver materials only or build foundations and erect the kit. However, they won’t finish the interior. Address: 3823 W 1800 S Remington, IN 47977. Phone: 800-552-2981
  • Fortified Buildings offers pole-barns, steel building kits, or complete interior remodeling. The team uses steel or wood frames with a full interior finishing service. Address: 455 South County Road 300 West Connersville, IN 47331. Phone: 303-563-9374
  • Graber Post Buildings use pole-barn methods to produce residential barns and barndominiums kits or can fully customize your design. They will deliver only, deliver and erect, or pour the foundation. However, they won’t finish the interior. Address: 7716 N. 900 E. Montgomery, IN 47558. Phone: 812-636-7355
  • Hansen Pole Barns offers multi-use barndominium kits with as many customizations as possible. However, they only supply the kit, leaving your local contractor to do the rest. Address: 12167 Lake Rd Browns Valley, MN 56219-4064. Phone: 701-404-2600
  • MilMar Post Buildings offers prefabricated kits for almost all barndominium variations: multi-story and multi-tenant, shopdominiums, workshops, and shouses. Every item is standardized, so components are interchangeable and extensible. The team will also erect and fully fit your interior. Address: 7657 IN-2 La Porte, IN 46350. Phone: 260-525-9068
  • Morton Buildings offers prefab steel barndominiums with very few customizations. Furthermore, they also use wood and masonry materials for a mixed-material build. However, you need a local contractor for interiors as the team only erects and pours foundations. Address: 252 W. Adams St. Morton, IL 61550-1804. Phone: 800-447-7436
  • Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings offers customized wood post-frame barndominiums with steel or vinyl siding. The team handles design and erection, but you need a local contractor for interiors. Address: 7240 N S.R. 13 North Webster, IN 46555. Phone: 574-834-4448
  • Timberlyne specializes in high-end, custom wood barndominium kits. The company only delivers the kit, leaving your contractor to do the rest. However, it will handle fully customized builds. Address: 116 West 1st Street Wayne, NE 68787. Phone: 888-489-1680
  • Wick Buildings builds post-frame homes and barndominiums in many kits and floor plans. The company also handles foundations and erection, but you need a local contractor for interior finishing. Address: 405 Walter Rd Mazomanie, WI 53560. Phone: 855-438-9425

A more detailed list of barndominium builders in Indiana can be viewed here.

Discover Barndominium Listings Available In Indiana

By now, you’ll know whether you want to build your barndo or not. Construction can be fun and satisfying to end up with a great home. But not everyone has the time or abilities to build a structure as big and complex as a barndominium, even from a kit.

So, just for you, we have a list of pre-owned Indiana barndos you can buy without the hassle of dealing with contractors and building codes.

And, if you don’t like the idea of using an existing room layout, hire a carpenter to reconfigure the interior partition walls to one that suits your lifestyle.

We hope you find something suitable that fits in with your budget, as there are plenty available.

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Adam Marcos

Adam Marcos, a veteran with 25+ years in custom home building, now serves as Managing Editor of BarndominiumZone. He passionately helps people on their journey of creating their dream barndo homes, offering valuable insights and practical advice. With a warm and approachable demeanor, Adam inspires readers to embrace unique living spaces that reflect their aspirations. Join him on a transformative adventure, turning ordinary spaces into extraordinary havens of creativity and fulfillment. Experience the magic of bringing visions to life, one barndo at a time.

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